Thursday, 2 September 2021

DFI Week 6

This weeks session was all about google sites! Its good to continue building my understanding of the importance of visible sites and seeing lots of different examples.

It is important that google sites are visible for students and Whanau. Because the learning is visible on our sites it has meant students have been able to continue with their learning during lockdown. I have had feedback from parents that they have enjoyed being able to go through my class site and see what we are doing in class. My next goal is to keep adding rewindable learning to my class site. I need 

One of my Goals for this session was to get my students blogs linked on my class site. This was something I started just before lockdown on a google drawing but never actually linked the blogs to it. I created the template below and got students to decorate a text box each with their name (its still a work in progress as you can see). Today I linked all their individual blogs to each box so now you can click on the name to access the blog. This is going to make commenting on each others blogs a lot easier! Check it out here.

Cheryl when shared with me a way another teacher is making her students more accountable of the work they are posting on their blog and making sure they are commenting on each others blogs. I am going to use the template to create one for my class and give it a go. I will update how this is going in a a few weeks after I introduce it to my class.

My next goal was to add some buttons to my class site. I have had buttons on my home page before but went back to have the tabs across the top. This just seemed to work better for me and my students. But maybe I will try again some day.

In saying that I did today create buttons for my mathematics page. Making this look a whole lot better! I'm still trying to figure out what colour I want the background but for now I will keep it as the default theme one. I also created a banner at the top! Check out these screenshots of the before and after.



Or maybe in pink?

Kate from my bubble also showed us how to add an announcement to our class sites too. This is where you can write daily/weekly announcements and it will show up at the top of your site. You can also change the colour and choose if you want it to be on every page or just the home page of your site.

Overall I had a great day being creative and having time to have a play around with my google site! I am already thinking about what buttons I am going to create next! 

1 comment:

  1. Siniece,
    Wow! you achieved so much today. Isn't it great having the dedicated time to work on our sites and really spend time getting it right? Although I see you have a dilemma between grey and pink backgrounds for your Maths buttons. Funny how we agonise over things like this. I personally like the pink as it makes the buttons pop.
    We had lots of sharing in our bubble. I love it when we learn off each other.
    The Blogging buttons look great. That's such a neat way of getting the links together for student's to visit and comment on each other's blogs.
